What to Expect from Realtors India

What to Expect from Your Real Estate Agent

A real estate agent is paid good commissions for selling a property and for helping a buyer find his / her dream home. So it is natural for clients to have expectations of their real estate agent. The top 3…

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Top Reasons Property Seller Selling Property

Top Reasons for Selling a Property

A whopping 88% of home sellers who choose to enlist the help of a real estate agent to sell their property achieve on an average 22% more money than home sellers who have decided to sell their property themselves. *…

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Skills of a Successful Real Estate Agent

Success in the real estate industry can mean different things to different people. Some agents are in it for the money, while others want to learn the ins and outs of the business from their bosses to start their own…

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Selling Properties in India Basics

How to Sell Your Property

In this article we will discuss how and when to sell your property.  As a property seller there are many exit strategies for an investment property or one in which you are currently living in. This is a highly informative…

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